Have a question about doggy daycare or any of our other services. We've grouped the answers to the ones we hear most often on this page.
Still have more questions? Be sure to contact us and we can answer them for you.
Do you board dogs over night?
No sorry, we are a ‘Daycare only’ facility.
Are all the staff experienced in dog handling and dog behaviour?
Yes, our staff are not only experienced, confident dog handlers with many, many years of experience in their field, we also have a qualified Dog Trainer and Behaviourist, along with a vet nurse.
What if a dog becomes aggressive or tries to stand over my dog?
Safety for your dog is our first priority (and we take this very seriously). We are like playground monitors watching for signs and cues in the dog’s behaviour so we can anticipate what may be about to happen. If a dog is showing aggression or possessiveness over other dogs or toys, then that dog will given a short time out. Some dogs get overtired and over stimulated, which is why it is very important that dogs are rested periodically through-out the day. Some dogs get cranky and benefit from a little sleep - much like children. If a dog continues to show signs of aggression they will be expelled from our Daycare.
Do I need to book?
Yes, we need to accommodate everybody and we need to plan which group your dog will be in for the day, so if we don’t know who is coming we won’t be able to ensure that your dog is in with the ‘right crowd’….. This way we can provide your dog with most interactive and enjoyable day by planning ahead.
Which dogs are suitable for Doggy Daycare?
We accept all dogs - large and small - providing that they have been through our ‘dog assessment’ by one of our qualified staff.
What is a ‘Dog Assessment’?
This is a physical assessment of your dog prior to being enrolled at Bendigo Doggy Daycare. Your dog will be assessed on their social skills and obedience level. We will get you to fill out some forms about your dog’s personality, history, likes and dislikes and general health details. We will also provide you with some information about your obligations, our obligations and the risks that are inherent in Doggy Daycare. Also we will take an ID photo of your furry best friend.
Why was my dog considered not suitable to Doggy Daycare?
Sometimes we have to say no, because not all dogs are suited to this environment and we do not want to make things worse for your dog. Some dogs we see during the Assessment are deemed not suitable due to reasons like - they may have severe separation anxiety or not sociable with other dogs, or maybe too aggressive. We do not think any less of you and your dog if they do have some of these issues, we are happy that you are trying to invest in your furry best friend.
Does my dog need to be vaccinated?
Yes, all dogs must have a current vaccination certificate of a ‘C5 Vaccination’. With more recent information coming to light about over vaccinating- we will accept a current Titre Test from your vet. A Titre Test is a blood test done by your vet to check the immunity levels of Parvo-virus, Distemper and Hepatitis, if your dog’s level are adequate then they are considered to have enough antibodies to provide them with protection. We also require your dog to be up to date with their intestinal worming program and be free of any external parasites such as- fleas, ticks and mites.
Does my dog have to be de-sexed?
Short answer is no, however we do strongly recommend that all dogs that are not being shown or used for breeding should be de-sexed. We have clients who are responsible, registered and compassionate breeders that choose to bring their dogs to our Daycare. However if your entire female is in her heat-cycle she will not be allowed into Daycare. If your entire male is not socialised or shows signs of aggression to any other dogs or staff, then they will be expelled. Many people show and work their dogs in different disciplines and choose to keep their bloodlines for the future generations and we find this an acceptable reason to allow entire dogs at our centre. However we do not support puppy farms and irresponsible people who let their dogs have unwanted litters. If we did not support our pedigree breeders of working and show dogs who would maintain our wonderful breeds in the future.
Do you have an age limit for dogs to attend Doggy Daycare?
We believe the appropriate age for a young dog to start Doggy Daycare is approximately 4 months old, however younger puppies are certainly allowed to attend.
What do I need to bring with my dog to Doggy Daycare?
Your dog must arrive wearing a collar and lead (for safety reasons - obviously). Please ensure your dog is wearing a flat style collar- no choke or check chains and definitely no prong collars. You will not be required to bring anything else, no toys, no blankets, and no food (unless food is required for medical reasons). We provide all toys and play equipment to equally share with all dogs, we would not like your dog to get possessive over their favourite toy and getting upset if another dog tried to borrow it. All of our toys, play equipment and beds are clean and sanitised daily.
Will you train my dog while at Doggy Daycare?
It is best for your dog to receive its core training away from Doggy Daycare as it can be very distracting and overstimulating for training sessions. It is best that you book into one of our Basic Obedience classes to help with your dog’s training skills. However we do set rules at Doggy Daycare, which can help with some of your dog’s behavioural problems such as – no jumping up, no pushing thru doors or gates and no hogging toys, so your dog will receive some positive reminders which can help you at home.
Why can’t I drop my dog off after 10am?
We are at our busiest when you are dropping off your dog in the mornings. All the dogs sense the excitement from being in their favourite place. Once 10 am comes we like to re-access our groups of dogs for the day and ensure every dog is comfortable and happy in their group. We need the dogs to settle down a bit to do this. If we have a constant stream of dogs coming and going this disrupts the groups. You can imagine being the last dog to arrive at a social gathering and everything is calm, dogs are happy and playing together, then all of a sudden a new face and bottom to sniff.