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Bendigo Doggy Daycare aims to provide a fun filled, action packed day of social interaction, mind stimulating games and off-leash playtime for your dog.

Throw in some canine enriching light training sessions with intermittent rest times and your dog will be excited to come through our front doors and when you collect them at the end of the day, yes they will be tired, but they will be smiling!

Book your furry friend in today!

If your dog has not been to our Daycare previously, you must to contact us - prior to any bookings, as we have very limited spaces available.

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Bendigo Doggy Daycare is a dedicated centre for dogs designed to give your dog the most comfortable, enjoyable place to hang out for the day, with the safety of your dog being of the utmost importance to us.

We are conveniently located only minutes from Bendigo town centre and have created generous and secure enclosures with your dog’s comfort in mind. Our large enclosures make it possible for individually matched groups of dogs to be off-leash while enjoying the mental and physical stimulation of socialising with their canine friends. Our enclosures are always supervised with at least one dog handler (or two for the larger groups) who also help your dog play with our doggy play equipment to provide canine enrichment.

Groups are chosen based on your dog’s ethological needs, compatibility and energy levels, because just like children, all dogs are different. We have a special enclosure for the golden oldies or for those dogs that are a bit more sensitive, they also enjoy playtime and games but at their own pace. We have numerous beds of different shapes and sizes for your best buddy to relax on, they get to choose if they want to share a bed with their best canine friend or just chill out by themselves. Just like children some dogs need ‘time out’ as they can get overstimulated and may need to calm down for a few minutes and it is part of our job to ensure they have the opportunity to so they have the best possible time with us. Our dog beds, toys and play equipment are regularly maintained and cleaned daily to ensure that we provide your dog with the most hygienic Daycare facility possible.

Find out more about our opening times here, or book now through our customer portal.

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